antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II 1 antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II


Eine Neuosier-Teller (Speiseteller) aus einem Service für Kaiser Wilhelm II. in Eisenrot, Rokokokartusche und unter Königskrone der preußische Adler mit der Chiffre "FR" Friedrichs des Großen, Blumenbuketts und goldenem Weinlaubrand. Rückseitig mit Besitzermonogramm WR für Wilhelm Rex, Zepter und Reichsapfel. Datiert: 1895. Sehr gut erhalten.

A Neuosier dinner plate from a service for Emperor Wilhelm II in iron red, rococo cartouche and under royal crown the Prussian eagle with the cipher "FR" of Frederick the Great, floral bouquets and golden vine leaf border. On the reverse with owner's monogram WR for Wilhelm Rex, scepter and orb. Date: 1895. Very good condition. Rare to find.

The following dinner plate (a part of a service) was commissioned from the Berlin porcelain factory by Emperor Wilhelm II to serve as a standard state dining service, intended for use throughout all the Royal residences rather than to be specific to any particular room or Palace. It was designed in the grand rococo tradition to compliment the two great services that preceded it. These were the one commissioned by Emperor Friedrich II in the late 1870s, which in turn was based on a service made for King Frederick the Great in 1781-83. The central cartouches were given a motive of the FR monogram emblazoned on the Prussian eagle. The design itself became popular and a variant without the central cartouches was sold by the factory.


Durchmesser/Diameter: ~ 24.2 cm




2 antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II 3 antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II 4 antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II 5 antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II 6 antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II 7 antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II 8 antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II 9 antique porceilain red eagle Kaiserhaus Wilhelm II

11 antique porcelain plate Neuozier Kaiser Wilhlem II 12 antique porcelain plate Neuozier Kaiser Wilhlem II 13 antique porcelain plate Neuozier Kaiser Wilhlem II 14 antique porcelain plate Neuozier Kaiser Wilhlem II 15 antique porcelain plate Neuozier Kaiser Wilhlem II 16 antique porcelain plate Neuozier Kaiser Wilhlem II